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आफ्नो भाग्यमा पुग्नुहोस् र संसार परिवर्तन गर्नुहोस्
"Formed in the spirit of dynamic personal growth, spiritual emergence and intellectual transformation."

Pacific Gates brings quality education to students who need it most. We have trained teachers and built schools for at-risk students around the world. Pacific Gates schools are a worldwide community of private, Christian schools with a foundation in a biblical worldview. All of the Pacific Gates International schools carry a tradition of Christian values, interdisciplinary study in the humanities, a global perspective, a focus on the Arts, and a strong commitment to involving students in fostering their own intellectual, spiritual, ethical, and social development.


Curriculum is flexible and responsive to the needs and contexts of  learners. The knowledge students bring from their home cultures are a part of, and often the starting point, for the curriculum. We value the important learning that students bring with them. In addition, the immediate environment is often used as a rich resource for extending learning online or in the classroom.




Pacific Gates is a nonprofit service organization dedicated to projects that bring quality education to those who most need it around the Pacific Rim. We are also a network of private Christian schools and training programs. All of the Pacific Gates schools carry a tradition of Christian values, interdisciplinary study, a global perspective, a focus on the Arts, and a strong commitment to involving students in fostering their own intellectual, spiritual, ethical, and social development.

/ विद्यार्थी विकास


The Pacific Gates Education community is consciously oriented to the intellectual, ethical, spiritual, and social development of students. Its small campuses, intimate class or online cohort sizes foster close human and intellectual relationships among faculty and students. Within this learning community students are challenged to think critically and creatively, to interact democratically and cooperatively, and to listen and communicate effectively. Independent study, classroom studies, community involvement, arts workshops, work-study, field work and internships give students opportunities to experiment with different roles and to experience growing competence.




Founded in 1996 by a handful of professionals working to provide a deeply meaningful, quality education for at-risk students, Pacific Gates Education first set out to build Clarus Academy -- a school that would embody these educational ideals: a love of truth and the life of the mind, avenues to finding who we are as human beings and the ability to express it, an enduring biblical worldview, a global perspective and a deep respect for the dignity and worth of every person.


From one school in 1996 we have grown to a community of schools, Bible schools  and training programs spanning the globe. Pacific Gates schools continue in California, Canada, and South Korea. Current projects include schools in Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia and beyond.



We began with Clarus Academy in Santa Rosa, California. Still in operation, Clarus serves a select number of students with a broad spectrum of learning needs. Next we were invited to establish a training program for adults in Kelowna, Canada. Two years later we were called to found an American-style private school in South Korea. We are now embarking on the most challenging and exciting phase of our ambitious development: bringing quality biblical education to indigenous groups in Fiji, Nepal, Thailand and beyond. 

/ भविष्य


प्यासिफिक गेट्स एजुकेशनले प्यासिफिक रिम वरपरका गाउँ समूहहरूमा विशेष ध्यान केन्द्रित गर्दै शिक्षाको अवसरको आवश्यकतामा रहेका सीमान्तकृत आदिवासी समूहहरूलाई सेवा दिन प्रतिबद्ध छ। सामाजिक र आर्थिक विकास प्रदान गर्ने भगिनी संस्था प्यासिफिक होप , रिङ अफ फायर हाउस अफ प्रेयर कम्युनिटीज, क्रिश्चियन विश्वासमा आधारित समुदाय, रिङ अफ फायर आर्थिक विकास परियोजनाहरू सहितको सहकारी गठबन्धनको एक भागको रूपमा परिकल्पना गरिएको, हामी शिक्षा, व्यावहारिक प्रशिक्षण र आउटरिचमा सफलताको अर्को स्तर के हुनेछ भन्ने कुराको अग्रगामीमा छौं। हामी नेपालको पहाडी दक्षिण मध्य आदिवासी क्षेत्रमा एक केन्द्रको प्रक्रियामा छौं, थाइल्याण्डमा छवटा केन्द्रहरू स्थापना गर्न मद्दत गर्न स्थानीय अग्रगामीहरूसँग साझेदारी गरेका छौं, दक्षिण कोरियामा तीन स्थापित कार्यक्रमहरू पछ्याइरहेका छौं, भियतनाममा योजनाहरू बनाइरहेका छौं, र कम्बोडियामा स्थानीय मानिसहरूसँग साझेदारी गरिरहेका छौं।

हाम्रो बारेमा र हाम्रो संस्था परिवार बीच हामीले के गर्छौं भन्ने बारे थप जान्नुहोस्!

पर्दा मार्फत - मानवीय सेवा

प्यासिफिक होप - आउटरिच परियोजनाहरू

प्यासिफिक गेट्स शिक्षा - शिक्षा परियोजनाहरू

आगोको घेरा प्रार्थनाका घरहरू - प्रार्थना समुदायहरू

आगोको घेरा आर्थिक विकास - आर्थिक विकास परियोजनाहरू

पुजारीत्वका उपकरणहरू - प्रार्थना र पूजाका उपकरणहरू

बिब्लियोग्राफी प्रेस – एउटा अनलाइन पुस्तक पसल

परोपकार - राम्रोको लागि किनमेल गर्नुहोस्

रिङ अफ फायर रिसोर्ट्स - आतिथ्य र आदिवासी विकास

प्यासिफिक गेट्स इन्टरनेशनलमा आफ्नो भाग्य बनाउनुहोस्

पत्राचार ठेगाना:

पोस्ट बक्स २१४५

निपोमो, CA ९३४४४ संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका

© २०२५ प्यासिफिक गेट्स शिक्षा द्वारा

Pacific Gates Education offers services, training and expertise in establishing nonprofit schools. We have worked for 20 years in international education development with underprivileged groups around the Pacific Rim.


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