Resources: Papers
Children Still Battling to Go to School
The 2011 Education for All Global Monitoring Report exposed the hidden crisis of education in conflict-affected countries. Building on the report, this policy paper shows that urgent action is needed to bring education to the 28.5 million primary school age children out of school in countries affected by conflict. It argues that many countries embroiled in conflict are overlooked in the international aid structure, with their education systems receiving neither long-term development assistance nor short-term humanitarian aid.
Advocacy Capacity Building Using Blended Learning in Complex and Fragile Contexts
The International NGO Training and Research Centre and the Dutch Consortium for Rehabilitation (DCR) have worked together to strengthen advocacy capacity within DCR programmes and partners. Drawing on course evaluations and interviews with participants this paper shows how blended learning approaches can provide access to high quality capacity building support in remote and conflict affected locations in a cost-effective way.
Cash Transfers and Child Nutrition: What We Know and What We Need to Know
This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the impacts of cash transfer programmes on the immediate and underlying determinants of child nutrition, including the most recent evidence from impact evaluations across sub-Saharan Africa. It adopts the United Nations Children's Fund extended model of care conceptual framework of child nutrition and highlights evidence on the main elements of the framework – food security, care and health care.
Water, Food Security and Human Dignity
‘Water, Food Security and Human Dignity - A Nutrition Perspective’ examines the importance of water in ensuring food security. One serious problem addressed in the paper is the increased importance of groundwater as a strategic resource as a result of the heavy exploitation of surface water. Another serious challenge highlighted is tackling undernutrition as well as overweight and obese populations. Produced by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation, the paper highlights that encouraging healthy diets would make it necessary to use water and other resources more effectively.
Breastfeeding: A Feminist Issue
In this activity sheet the author answers key questions on breastfeeding and feminism in an interview format. This would be a useful resource for the basis of a group discussion. Breastfeeding is an important women's, human rights, and feminist issue, since breastfeeding empowers women and contributes to gender equality. The author argues that women who wish to breastfeed their babies but cannot - because of inadequate support from family or health workers, constraints in the workplace, or misinformation from the infant food industry - are oppressed and exploited.
Improving Agriculture and Nutrition with Open Data
In this discussion paper, the Open Data Institute highlight examples of how open data is being used in different agriculture and nutrition contexts to; enable more efficient and effective decision making, foster innovation that everyone can benefit from, and drive organisational and sector change through transparency. The authors propose establishing demand-driven projects and initiatives that start with real-world problems, and engage with problem owners to identify how data can provide actionable information that helps to address needs.
Resources: Books
Adult Education at the Crossroads
This is a pithy assessment of where adult education now stands - the traditions out of which it came, its current problems, and possible futures. The authors are particularly concerned with how its longstanding commitment to deliver social change ran into difficulties in the less favourable circumstances of the 1980s and 1990s. They argue that its purposes now need to be reconceptualised in order for it to become, once again, a relevant and effective agent of change.
Theory of Nonviolent Action
In this ground-breaking and much-needed book, Stellan Vinthagen provides the first major systematic attempt to develop a theory of nonviolent action since Gene Sharp's seminal The Politics of Nonviolent Action in 1973.
Valuing Waste, Transforming Cities
‘Valuing Waste, Transforming Cities’ provides guidance, lessons and recommendations on how to accomplish this shift. It explores a low-cost, low-technology, community-based and decentralised waste-to-resource model called the Integrated Resource Recovery Centre. The publication articulates key lessons learned by ESCAP and its partners in establishing Integrated Resource Recovery Centres across cities in Asia and the Pacific since 2009.
Beyond the Education Machine
Human beings are complex organisms and as such no one-size-fits-all educational approach will ever be truly effective for the majority of students. Many educational theorists have identified this cookie-cutter approach as the “factory model” of education.
Business and manufacturing have developed more effective and flexible methods, but our schools have remained essentially static for over one hundred years. This factory model is the universal standard... read more >
Building With Living Stones
The writing of Logan Allen is insightful, and informed by years of experience. What's more, Mr. Allen holds an abiding love for the Bride of Christ throughout the world, holding out hope that she can still grasp what she is here on the earth to accomplish!
Building With Living Stones is a compilation of essays by Logan Allen on the topic of Leadership in the Kingdom of God. This book is prophetic in character, yet...
Fundraising for Nonprofits
A guide to starting and resourcing NPOs using South Africa as the model.