Bib/li/o/gra/phy - A Bookstore
-- where every purchase supports development projects among tribal people around the Pacific Rim!
The Meat From The Mystics Series
Gleaned from the annals of historic Christian literature, these books form a collection of rare and important works. Each book in The Meat from the Mystics Series has been searched out in rare book archives, painstakingly digitized, re-edited, re-formatted and re-published with new covers and explanatory material. All in all, this collection of books is a labor of love -- so that this treasure trove of ancient Christian wisdom could be brought into your hands.

The Kneeling Christian
Prayer is the key which unlocks the door of God's treasure house. Yet the power of prayer remains mysterious and foreign to many Christians. Realizing this, a well-known, but anonymous Christian wrote this volume to teach Christians about the power available to them through prayer.
One of the most influential and widely circulated books on prayer, Kneeling Christian is a powerful and impassioned call to prayer. This unsigned... More >

Union and Communion
This little book is the distillation of the life and heart of Hudson Taylor. With Taylor's famous dedication to Christ and unflagging relationship with Him, even through the darkest heart of China – it is not a surprise that this book is an exposition on the Song of Solomon.
This book was the message closest to Taylor's heart: how every Christian can know Jesus and the depths of His love. This book has been called one of the abiding legacies of Hudson Taylor to the church. It's purpose... More >

Faith That Prevails
Smith Wigglesworth was a light of faith in his time, and a forerunner for the ministries of miracles that came after him in the 1950s.
This book is a milestone work for living a life of faith -- a life of healing, of deliverance, of supernatural guidance -- living a life of fullness in the power and presence of God.
This book is both a practical guide and a source... More >

The Practice of the Presence of God
Nicholas Herman entered the priory in Paris as a lay brother, not having the education necessary to become a cleric, and took the religious name, "Lawrence of the Resurrection". He spent almost all of the rest of his life within the walls of the priory, working in the kitchen.
He was known for his profound peace and many came to seek spiritual guidance from him. The wisdom that he passed on to them, in conversations and in letters, would later become the basis for... More >

The Book of the Lover and the Beloved
If the story of one man's life could destroy the mistaken idea that a mystic is an impractical dreamer, that man would be Ramon Lull, the "Apostle of Africa". His life was full of romance and adventure – he was a knight in the Spanish court; he went on three voyages to Africa as a missionary; he wrote books, founded communities, and developed a system of logic whereby thousands of Muslims came to Christ.
This book, The Book of the Lover and the Beloved, has been heralded down through the centuries as a gift to those who desire a close relationship with God.... More >

The Holiest of All
Andrew Murray is one of the most celebrated spiritual writers of his time. Many of his works have stood as spiritual standards for over one hundred years.
This book is a masterful illumination of the pages of the book of Hebrews. In every passage Murray sees the purpose of God in the New Covenant... More >

How To Pray
Reuben A Torrey was a forerunner for the great evangelists that came after him. Born in 1856, as a young man he helped to found Moody Bible Institute. Preaching as a travelling evangelist through the middle of his life, he wrote many books and fueled the fire of revival all over America and England. Settling down finally in Los Angeles, he founded Biola University and the Church of the Open Door.
This book, How To Pray, is considered a little known classic of Spiritual literature. Very different from... More>

Intra Muros
Rebecca Reuter Springer died, and then came back from the grave to write this book! This is the story of her sojourn from death to life -- from her deathbed to the life hereafter. This book recounts her experiences in heaven: learning of the New Life, growing in strength and faith, and having her Spirit renewed from glory to glory.
In its time, this book caused a sensation throughout America and Europe. It still holds... More >

The Spirit of Love
This book is a landmark work of spiritual literature. The ideas contained here swept away every other work of spiritual philosophy of its time like dead leaves -- and paved the way for modern thought.
This work attempts to prove what all of the greatest writers of the Christian spiritual cannon can only assert: that knowing God in intimacy is... More >

A Short and Easy Method of Prayer
Originally published in 1685, Madame Guyon’s A Short and Easy Method of Prayer is considered a classic of Christian writing. This book has influenced many great writers and speakers through the centuries, such as John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon, the Moravians, and John Wimber.
In it, Madame Guyon carefully and briefly sets out her ‘unmethodical method’ by which any and all can commune with God at any time and under any circumstances. This book is a masterpiece of Divine Revelation for all time. Think of it as your handbook for... More >

The Greatest Thing in the World
Henry Drummond was born in Scotland in 1851. He was a gifted evangelist who assisted Dwight L. Moody during his revival campaigns -- and was also a lecturer in natural science. This describes his unique mix of talents and abilities, which suited him well to bring the truth of the gospel to the monolithic modernism of his time. He wrote several books, including many short spiritual treatises; many of which are collected here in this volume.
Of all his achievements, "The Greatest Thing in the World" is the one that assured he would be remembered throughout time. Widely read and... More >

On Loving God
Known as "The Last of the Church Fathers", St. Bernard of Clairvaux lived a life of supernatural faith. He knew and heard God, which made him an important prophetic voice to the Church of his time. He did not reject human philosophy which he termed genuine philosophy, which, he insisted, leads to God. In this he was a forerunner of today's post-modern thinkers.
These books set forth a lifetime of knowing and experiencing God. They are standards of some of the earliest writing outside of the New Testament on Faith, justification, and ... More >

Sermons on the Song of Songs
Within these pages is the central idea that Love created us out of love to share Love itself -- and then was bound by love to redeem us after we had been lost. God's gift of the Incarnation of Christ is proof of this. Therefore the ultimate point of all theology, the culmination of all of life, the summit of all God's works, is the experience of the presence of God -- the union of the human soul with God himself.
Bernard's 86 Sermons presented in these two volumes allegorically interpret the Song of Songs; they distill his theology of love, but more than that, they open a door for... More >

The Interior Castle
This book is one of the most well-known, and certainly one of the most well-loved of the Spiritual classics. It reads like an instruction manual on the deeper life of prayer, meditation and soaking in the presence of God.
This book is an important milestone in the spiritual literature for its sheer frankness and practicality. She delves here into the experience of closer communion with God, with helpful... More >

Knowing God ~ Daily Readings
Originally published in 1901, this book represented a unique vision by Mary Wilder Tileson. Mrs. Tileston began with a desire to collect inspirational snippets from the best of the spiritual writers down through the Christian tradition. Keying these to scriptures, and organizing a brief sampling for every day of the year, she endeavored to create a collection of meditations to "encourage the pilgrim on his daily path".
At once simple and profound, this original volume remains unique in its spiritual breadth and scope. Today this book contains the same power and simplicity that it did over a hundred years ago. This book offers... More >