Bib/li/o/gra/phy - A Bookstore
-- where every purchase supports development projects among tribal people around the Pacific Rim!
The World of Adventure Series
The World of Adventure Series is dedicated to all of us who love discovery... These books are about the thrill of finding something first-hand, exotic and authentic. These are important historical works ferreted out from dead book archives -- painstakingly digitized, re-edited, re-formatted and re-printed faithful to the original. These books are given new life so that you can hold in your hands the thrill of discovery: meet untouched cultures; travel pristine lands; accompany the earliest missionaries in their often harrowing stories; discover fun, fact and folklore from times and peoples long past. Explore!

The Fijians
This book is reprinted from the historic original. It is a first-hand source describing a Fijian people and culture which does not presently exist. As such, it is an invaluable resource for understanding the way things used to be, before Western intervention.
A great portion of the worth of this work is in its presentation of native folklore and beliefs. Preservation of folklore means preservation of the mind of a people, preservation of their deepest beliefs, their... More >

The Life of William Carey
William Carey was the foremost of the initial missionaries into India. Following is a sample of what his contemporaries had to say: "Had he been born in the sixteenth century he might have been a Luther, to give Protestantism to Europe; had he turned his thought and observations merely to natural philosophy he might have been a Newton; but his faculties, consecrated by the Holy Spirit to a still higher end, have gained for him the sublime distinction of having been the Translator of the Scriptures and the Benefactor of India."
"William Carey -- a man who unites with the most profound and varied... More >
Fifteen Years Among the Top-Knots
This book is a valuable first-hand document of an exciting time in Korean history. It is an important window for historians, sociologists and missiologists.
Miss Lillias Horton, of Chicago, went to Korea as a medical missionary in 1888. There she was met with a world of people and customs quite alien from her own. What did she do? She rolled up her sleeves, treated the sick and the dying, and told the people of the love of Christ... More >
Travels in Indo-China
This book is the rare chronicle of a new and unexplored world. The vast sweep of Southeast Asia at the end of the 1850's awaits you.
Henri Mouhot was an artist, naturalist and explorer who dedicated the last four years of his life to exploring the interior of what was then Siam. This is the story of his travels as he studied the people, the languages, the abundant flora and fauna of 1858, 1859 and 1860. ... More >
Things As They Are
This book is a landmark work on missions in India by none other than Amy Carmichael herself. Telling, because it was written on the cusp between the old and the modern eras of missions, just at the turn of the 1900's. The image of missionary as adventurer and explorer was just beginning to fade, and a revolution of world missions was yet just the stuff of dreams.
This book is the gripping story of India in light and darkness. A land of child slavery, witchcraft, and entire populations dominated by Brahmin and Shamans... More >
The Moravians in Laborador
This book is a piece of history. What's more, it holds the power that the earliest missionaries walked in. It is a document of the salvation of a people.
The Moravians were some of the first missionaries of modern times to heed the call of God and GO! Under the leadership of visionary Count Zinzendorf in Germany, the Moravians kindled a revival that lasted for over a hunderd years.... More >
Mary Slessor of Calabar
You hold in your hands a piece of history. Mary Slessor was a Scottish missionary to Nigeria. Her work ethic and strong personality won the trust and acceptance of local African people in a time where there were but few missionaries, and even fewer women on the field.
She was known for the hope of the gospel, loving the people, protecting native children and promoting women's rights. In 1876 Mary followed her call to bring the gospel to Africa. She became known for her pragmatism, strength and humor. Slessor lived a simple... More >
The History of the Moravians
You hold in your hands a chronicle of history. The Moravian heritage dates back to the Bohemian Reformation in the fifteenth century. Theirs is a history of awakening and persecutions, as they took up the flame of passion for Christ even before Luther.
Since their beginnings five centuries ago, the Moravians have always been marked by prayer, intense devotion and a great heart to bring the gospel to the world... More >
The History of the Moravians
You hold in your hands a chronicle of history. The Moravian heritage dates back to the Bohemian Reformation in the fifteenth century. Theirs is a history of awakening and persecutions, as they took up the flame of passion for Christ even before Luther.
Since their beginnings five centuries ago, the Moravians have always been marked by prayer, intense devotion and a great heart to bring the gospel to the world... More >
The History of the Moravians
You hold in your hands a chronicle of history. The Moravian heritage dates back to the Bohemian Reformation in the fifteenth century. Theirs is a history of awakening and persecutions, as they took up the flame of passion for Christ even before Luther.
Since their beginnings five centuries ago, the Moravians have always been marked by prayer, intense devotion and a great heart to bring the gospel to the world... More >
The History of the Moravians
You hold in your hands a chronicle of history. The Moravian heritage dates back to the Bohemian Reformation in the fifteenth century. Theirs is a history of awakening and persecutions, as they took up the flame of passion for Christ even before Luther.
Since their beginnings five centuries ago, the Moravians have always been marked by prayer, intense devotion and a great heart to bring the gospel to the world... More >
The Life of Adoniram Judson
This book is an important document in the history of the establishment of the Kingdom of God. It is a story of heart-stopping missions -- against all odds!
Adoniram Judson was an American Baptist missionary who served in Burma for almost forty years. At the age of 25 Adoniram Judson became the first Protestant missionary sent from North America. Judson is... More >
The Lives of the Three Mrs. Judsons
This book is a work of historical and cultural significance. Adoniram Judson was the first American missionary to Burma over 100 years ago. This book is not about him. This book is about the intrepid women who worked by his side.
Written by Arabella Stuart at a time when women were just beginning to be recognized as writers in Western society, this book is about the Lives of three... More >
Adventures in New Guinea
This volume is a piece of history. It is a document of courage, exploration and first contact. Beyond this, it is a chronicle of the spiritual history of a people.
James Chalmers was an early pioneer missionary with a call to reach the far-flung tribes of New Guinea. This simple mission became heroically monumental considering that the country was wild and unknown; the land and its inhabitants were uncharted; and the people... More >
SIAM the Land of the White Elephant
This book is a compilation from the annals of history. Taken from first-hand accounts of explorers, missionaries and traders from the West's earliest contact, this is a faithful synthesis of Thai history, culture and ethnography as they knew and observed it.
George Bacon brings together the history of these tumultuous times, along with cultural description, a large extent of geographic knowledge, and insight into the people and their lives. He does all of this with... More >
Metlakahtla North Pacific Mission
This story, in great part, is the story of William Duncan. He is the man who followed the call of God to lay his life down for an unknown people in the wilds of the North Pacific Coast.
Settling on a spot in what would become British Columia, Duncan showed the love of God for the first time to the natives weaving their lives on the far rocky coast. He built a mission to the native peoples, which grew to become a prosperous enclave of the Kingdom of God. This is the fascinating story of one of the great missions efforts -- to a people who had been... More >
James Gilmore of Mongolia
James Gilmour was an extrordinary man with an extrordinary call. Gilmour traveled from England into inland China to study Chinese and Mongolian, and then he trekked thousands of miles into the icy Mongolian Plateau, to lay down his life for the people there!
At the beginning, "...the news of the Tientsin massacre reached Peking. A Roman Catholic convent had been destroyed and thirteen French ministers killed. Very great uncertainty prevailed... More >
Pygmies and Papuans
This volume is a document of science, of courage, of exploration and first contact. It is an intimate personal account of a world that is on the brink of extinction.
Dr. A.F.R. Wollaston was a graduate of Cambridge University before the turn of the twentieth Century. He was a naturalist of the highest caliber, and carried a desire to study the fauna of New Guinea. Setting out in 1910, "We left Singapore on November 26th... More >

Told on the Pagoda ~ Tales of Burma
These stories are from the ancient oral tradition of the Burmese people. They were related to early American missionaries who took them down as a window of insight into the culture and heart of the people of Burma.
This book is important as a view into a people who are lost in time, and yet hold the keys to the men and women of Myanmar today. These are not simply children's stories from a time gone by. They are historical markers of a time and a place which point... More >

Shan Folk Lore Stories
This book was originally published in 1902 by William Griggs. Mr. Griggs was a missionary in Burma with the American Baptist Mission headquartered in Rangoon. Mr. Griggs has the distinction of being one of the first westerners to ever travel into what is now North Shan State, where he was instrumental in planting churches among the hill tribe people.
He also established a mission in Hsipaw, the first mission outpost in what is a wild frontier today. Here Mr. Griggs learned to love the Shan people, among other hill tribe groups in the area... More >

New Testament and Psalms in Shan
The New Testament and Psalms in the Shan language. The Shans are a hill tribe people of North Shan State, Myanmar. As such they live among some of the last unreached people groups of the world.
As the educated among all these groups generally speak and read shan as a second language, this New Testament has been printed in the Shan language to bring the light of salvation to the uttermost parts of the world. For every copy you buy, we are able to provide three to ethnic minorities in the hill tribe country.... More >

Mountains and Molehills
This is a rare volume of one of the original California adventure stories. A young Frank Marryat stows away on a whaler bound for California from the East Coast in the early days of the California Gold Rush. Thus starts a tale of adventure, comic missteps, danger, and romance -- all of historic proportions!
This is a facsimile edition of the fascinating first-hand account that took the world by storm.... More >
With More to Come...