Become an International Partner
Why Join Ring of Fire Partners?
There is a place for you among us in Ring of Fire Partners. Our mandate is to call up people, cities, regions and nations into their end-time Destines, forming communities of hope that become establishments of the Kingdom of God through the love of Jesus, and lifting up Christ over the people and the land. We are advancing God’s Kingdom around the Pacific Rim and across the nations -- in the Church, on the streets, in Tribal groups and among indigenous peoples. Connected as a Ring of Fire Partner you can grow in your sphere of influence through building intimacy with Jesus, and through connection within the Ring of Fire Partnership. We invite you to see if membership with Ring of Fire Partners is for you.
Membership in Ring of Fire Partners is the door to equipping and becoming part of:
Ring of Fire Houses of Prayer, our heart and soul
Pacific Hope, our apostolic outreach ministry
Pacific Gates Education, our international network of education, training and equipping centers.
"' For I,’ says the Lord, ‘will be a Ring of Fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.’” Paraphrased

About Membership in Ring of Fire Partners
Ring of Fire Partners is an empowering network that provides its members with meaningful relationships, accountability and support. Through Ring of Fire you will enjoy and experience the power of apostolic alignment and the advantages of spiritual covering; equipping; fellowship; mentorship; pastoral counsel; and networking opportunities. Through connection you will be given the opportunity to clarify your calling; see how your specific local calling can work with God's larger plan across your region and the world; and align with partners to more effectively carry it out.
Ring of Fire Partners Membership Opportunities
PARTNER MEMBERSHIP is for any senior leaders applying on behalf of their church, for itinerate ministers applying on behalf of their ministry, or for founders/directors applying on behalf of their Christian organization. The church, mission or organization must be active, functioning on a regular basis, guided by written bylaws and policies with official records of membership and accounting, and must hold legal non-profit status with the government of their country.
Member Commitments
Ministries, organizations and marketplace ministers that are considered for Ring of Fire Partners membership must understand the roles of the Ephesians 2:20 and 4:11 spiritual functions and embrace God's supernatural work in the world.
Ring of Fire Partners asks that all members:
Be Apostolically Aligned
Be apostolically aligned with a regional Apostolic ministry of Ring of Fire and the presiding Apostolic Team.
Be Walking in Covenant
Enter into relationship with all of the Ring of Fire Partners through the Partners Covenant.
Be In Relationship
Make it a priority to maintain relationship with our team by plugging into the ongoing Messenger Prayer and Praise conversation, the Online Partners' Gatherings once a month, and by personally attending and experiencing the training and vision casting of our Annual Ring of Fire Partners Gathering.
Ring of Fire Contributions
Financially contribute to the work of Ring of Fire, being led by the Spirit and by grace. Give now.
Partnering with Ring of Fire
We believe in the power of prayer and seeking His direction.
Ring of Fire asks our members to prayerfully seek the Lord’s wisdom in how each will invest in Ring of Fire through partnership, prayer and financial support.
Ring of Fire requests that every ministry ask the Lord and commit to a specific amount to give on an annual basis.
Sowing into Ring of Fire in a tangible way helps support our mission to equip and train leaders, support numerous missions, missionaries and humanitarian projects that are ongoing.
We thank you for faithfully partnering with us as we cultivate revival and transformation around the world!
Join The Movement!
Be a part of a global apostolic movement founded on relationship, to advance God’s Kingdom.
Apply For Partner Membership!
Have a question about applying? Feel free to Contact us.