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Enrollment is now open for Pacific Gates College of Theology Programs Online!




  • Bachelors Level Classes in Spiritual Foundations for Life and Ministry

  • Masters in Theology Program

  • Doctorate in Theology Program




  • Bachelors Level Classes in Spiritual Foundations for Life and Ministry

  • Masters in Theology Program

  • Doctorate in Theology Program




  • Bachelors Level Classes in Spiritual Foundations for Life and Ministry

  • Masters in Theology Program

  • Doctorate in Theology Program




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Bachelors Level Core

All students of Pacific Gates are expected to take the Bachelor's Level Core or equivalent. These are important classes that form a spiritual foundation for all of Christian life and ministry. They form a strong core of understanding and practice for living an overcoming spiritual life that will become the framework for everything you do in ministry. Without such a framework many in ministry are unequipped for Christian life and unable to reproduce disciples effectively. This core is available fully online in video series format with required corresponding workbooks.


Masters in Theology Program

This program is offered in cooperation with CMM School of Theology headquartered in Fort Mill South Carolina. Courses online form a core understanding for biblical comprehension, interpretation and application. In addition, monthly live online classes offer unique viewpoints and keys for practice in spiritual life and ministry. This program is available online in video series format, zoom classes and mentorship with required reading. The Masters in Theology  program is accredited through CMM School of Theology, and North Carolina College of Theology USA. Successful completion of this program prepares a student to apply for provisional ordination through Pacific Gates and Through the Veil USA. 

Doctorate in Theology Program

This PhD program is also offered in cooperation with CMM School of Theology headquartered in Fort Mill South Carolina. In this advanced program the student is guided in working out a specific personal ministry specialization, and is prepared to complete a unique doctoral thesis or write a book in the area of that specialization. This program includes online courses, monthly live online classes and a more intense mentorship and guidance. This program is accredited through CMM School of Theology, and North Carolina College of Theology USA. Successful completion of this program prepares a student for ordination through Pacific Gates and Through the Veil USA.



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101 Basic Principles (3 units) This course stresses the importance of proper spiritual foundations for life and ministry by focusing on foundations of the Christian faith identified in Hebrews 6:1: Repentance, faith, baptism, laying on of hands, resurrection, and eternal judgment.


102 New Creation Image (3 units) Through this study, you will discover who you were created to be. This powerful revelation on righteousness will release you from self-defeating thoughts of guilt, condemnation, and inferiority. You can be conformed to His Image. This course is taken from the manual, New Creation Image.


103 Believer's Authority (3 units)  This survey provides an overview of God’s provision for victory and dominion over Satan, death and hell. It reveals to believers who they are in Jesus, and how they can stop losing and start winning in the everyday battles of life.


104 Supernatural Living (3 units)   In this series, you will discover how you can enter into new dimensions. You will study and be released into operating in all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit.


105 Faith to Live (3 units)  This course examines the Biblical world of faith. Learn how you can move into realms of faith. How you can do mighty exploits for God. It’s time for believers to release their faith, to step into the supernatural, to demonstrate God’s greatness to all the world.


106 Healing for Today (3 units)  This powerful teaching provides a solid Word foundation for healing. As you study, let the Word of God become more powerful in your life than the symptoms you are experiencing. Then faith will explode within you! God's Word  will establish a strong foundation to receive your healing and release your faith to boldly minister healing to others.


107 Taking the Land (3 units)  This course leads us into the Restoration of the Soul. It is a step-by-step journey using our God-given authority and dominion to change our lives, identity and destiny -- and a foundation to bring this new life to others.


108 Worship (3 units) This course stresses the importance of a strong spiritual foundation for life and ministry by focusing on the necessity of praise and worship in the life of every believer. Students discover the joy of moving into God’s presence and releasing their spirit in the powerful, biblical expressions of high praise and intimate worship.


109 Prayer (3 units) The disciples said, “Lord, Teach us to pray.” and from this simple beginning, we can learn a whole new way of living. In this class we discover how to release God’s power, authority, kingdom, and will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.


201 The Glory (3 units) As we come into the Glory of God, we are changed more and more into His likeness. As we get to know Him more, others discover and experience His awesome presence in and through us. It's in His presence, in His glory, that miracles take place.


202 Miracle Evangelism (3 units) God’s plan was for the message of salvation to be accompanied with signs, wonders and miracles. God’s plan has not changed. Miracle Evangelism in the hands of every believer is the key to reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


203 God's Kingdom Triumphant (3 units)  The Book of Acts reveals what Jesus' Church, His body of believers, was to be. It was to be an ecclesia of powerful signs, wonders and miracles! As we study the early Church, we will see the pattern for our lives and ministries today. We will see God's plan to advance the Kingdom of God today.


204 Ministry Gifts (3 units) Jesus gave five ministry gifts to the church. We are called to be Kingdom Equippers. This study will help you discover how these gifts should flow together to prepare God’s people for works of service, understand the call of God on your life, and how leadership should be structured.


205 Patterns For Living (3 units)  To truly understand the Bible we need to have a foundation of truth from the Old Testament. The rich foundational truths of God’s Word come alive in this class. The prophecies of the coming Messiah, the events, patterns and miracles of the Old Testament reveal God’s eternal plans and purposes today.


For more about programs and classes, send in the application materials and contact your local administrator.

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Nipomo, CA 93444 USA

© 2025 by Pacific Gates Education 

Pacific Gates Education offers services, training and expertise in establishing nonprofit schools. We have worked for 20 years in international education development with underprivileged groups around the Pacific Rim.



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