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About Us

Personalized Approach

We at Pacific Hope have dedicated our lives to bringing education, social and economic projects to tribal people right where they live. We trek into remote areas on invitation by tribal members, we develop relationships, we assess the needs of the community, and then we begin to build among the people to make dreams reality.

Excellence and Professionalism 

We create teams of qualified professionals who travel together into the field to implement short and long-term projects. We send teachers. We cultivate small business opportunities. We set up education and service centers. In cooperation with Pacific Gates Education, our sister organization, we build schools. As a Christian NGO we bring in the know-how to train local people to help one another and themselves.

We build Hope

At Pacific Hope we build education. We build small business. We build possibilities. We build training. We build opportunity. We build community. We build lives. We build Hope.

Find out more about us and what we do!


Through the Veil – Humanitarian Service

                Pacific Hope – Outreach Projects

                Pacific Gates Education – Education Projects

                Ring of Fire Houses of Prayer – Prayer Communities

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Pacific Hope is a 501 (c)(3) charity subsidiary. We work to develop educational, social, and economic development projects among disadvantaged groups around the Pacific Rim. We can only follow our purpose with the help of people like you.

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