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Fiji: Pacific Hope is currently in the planning stages on an outreach and service center on Mount Tomanivi in the remote village of Navai in Nadarivatu. The center will offer education and training, small business incubation and community development events for the local tribes people. Learn More...


Korea: We offer regular teaching and training opportunities, and have founded two houses of prayer in Seoul with more planned. Learn More..


Burma: We are working with local partners to make educational and training materials available to Bible students, we are spearheading a "Bibles for Burma" project, as well as studying the possibility of developing a hill tribe center. Learn More...


India: Pacific Hope has sponsored weekly community development outreach events in Coimbatore, India. Plans are being made to establish a permanent center for these meetings and events. Learn More...


...and Thailand... Cambodia...

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Pacific Hope is a 501 (c)(3) charity subsidiary. We work to develop educational, social, and economic development projects among disadvantaged groups around the Pacific Rim. We can only follow our purpose with the help of people like you.

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