Ring of Fire Houses of Prayer
We have been opened and radically changed by a revelation of the overwhelming and passionate love of God. Our hearts have responded to this revolution of love in worship, intercession and revelation. We share together the light of the word and the Spirit expressed through music, dance, painting, writing, prayer, and many other expressions. We have begun to live out a vision of the House of Prayer where we actively encourage ourselves and each other in our unique heart expressions toward God, each other and the world. During this outpouring of the love of God in us, God has been pouring out His Spirit in power in a way we have not known before.
Through this radical opening of our hearts we have caught a startling vision for the establishment of the Kingdom of God in the earth. We have a vision for unity in the body of Christ in cities and towns around the globe. We have a vision that God would be worshiped day and night. We have a vision that the kingdom of God would be established in our city, in our lives, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We have a vision that each individual be released to worship in the fullness of their unique expressive gifting. We have a vision for the establishment of 24 hour centers for prayer and worship that would be inclusive of all of God's people, spawning wholehearted communities of creativity in worship, intercession, business and local outreach that spring from these centers.
To make this vision a reality, many of us in the Through The Veil community have partnered with House of Prayer works in various communities throughout the Pacific Rim. Many of our members have pioneered the Upper Room Prayer ministry in Santa Rosa, CA. Scott and Dionne Husted have partnered with New Life Church and The Kelowna House of Prayer in Kelowna, BC. We have helped to establish the K1 House of Prayer, as well as the Bridge of the Kingdom HOP, both in Seoul. Semisi and Gela Naqica work with the Arctic Inuit and in Fiji pursuing the establishment of Ring of Fire Houses of Prayer. Jewell Sedgwick is serving in Redding, CA bringing the heart for the House of Prayer there. Many are partnering with Vertical Call ministries to found The Father's House, a full-time House of Prayer in Santa Rosa. We are excited to include a new house of prayer plant headed up by Pastor Victor Raj in Coimbatore, South India. We are helping to found the Restored Glorious Life House of prayer in Thailand, along with a network of sister HOPs. The most recent developments are happening in North Shan State Burma, Northeast India, and Cambodia.
Further, Through The Veil has helped children and young adults in many places around the world gain access to quality education opportunities. Whether by sending teachers into Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia, helping to support local education initiatives in Pakistan and India, or partnering with local organizations to build schools in North America and Korea, we look for opportunities to help bring education to many who have little access.
We are Through The Veil Ministries, a 501 (c)(3) registered charity in the US, dedicated to establishing the Kingdom of God in education, outreach and House of Prayer ministry throughout the Pacific Rim and around the world.
About us

Check out our Sister Organizations:

Find out more about our worldwide family of ministries:
Through the Veil - www.throughtheveil.world
Pacific Hope - www.pacifichope.org
Pacific Gates Education - www.pacificgates.org
Ring of Fire Economic Development - www.ringoffireeconomicdevelopment.com
Clarus Schools - www.clarus.academy