Ring of Fire Houses of Prayer
Healing of the Land
The Destiny of Nations
God has shown us that He has determined the boundaries of the nations of the world from the beginning, and decreed unique Destinies of purpose, hope and prosperity over the people and the land Deut. 32:8.
These destinies are from the time of the establishment of the peoples, therefore clues to the God-ordained destinies of the peoples and the nations are hidden in their histories, in their cultures, and in their cultural identities Deut. 32:7.
God's purposes for Israel are key to the destinies of all the nations Deut. 32:9, but an overlooked key is the People of the Land. The People of the Land are key to the land. If we can support the indigenous People of the Land to come up into their Divine Destiny, then the land will be released into its ordained inheritance of purpose, hope and prosperity.
Let God Arise
Since 2004 we have seen on many continents, and in many places, that there is a strong God-ordained connection between the land and the people of the land. We’ve seen it very clearly in Fiji. God is highlighting the people of the land right now, and giving Christians an opportunity to serve the people of the land in ways that will allow them to step up into their destiny; only then will the destiny of the land spring forth.
First – Proclaim the awesome greatness of The LORD over the land and with all its peoples. Lift up His rulership and authority in worship, in proclamation of the word, and in the speaking forth of His praise that the Holy Spirit brings to your lips. Proclaim His Name in worship. Proclaim His Name over the native people in native tongues. Proclaim His greatness in the tongues of the people of the land. Shout out His greatness! Dance out your expression of His rulership over the land! Break the hold of every other power -- Dance as you proclaim His Name, His dominion, and His sovereignty over the people and the land.
Second – Search out the history, the wounds that the people carry, the bloodshed, the injustice done. Then pray through the breaking down of walls. Pray the preparation of the Bride between the peoples. Pray connection and unity among the church, restoration and unity between fathers and children.
Third -- Stand in repentance for the evils done. Stand for healing and reconciliation between the first people of the area and the colonial, or subsequent people, and the healing of injustice over the land. Bow down in repentance for your own sin, the sins of the Fathers, and the sins committed against the people of the land. Stand in identificational repentance.
Fourth -- Honor the people of the land. Show honor according to local protocol. Carry out acts of restitution. Do prophetic acts over the people and the land. Pour out oil and wine on the land as an anointing for healing and as a baptism into God's Kingdom purposes. I will say it again: there is a strong connection between the land and the people of the land. Serve the indigenous people of the land to step up into their destiny, and the destiny of the land will spring forth.
The Healing of the Land
Semisi Naquica is a Fijian Prince, the third son of an ancient Fijian tribal Chieftanship. He has pioneered this, the Healing of the Land process, among indigenous peoples internationally. We work with Semisi and his team to organize the Healing of the Land process among groups in order to break the bondage that has come over the people and the land. This awesome ministry is going on now in many nations. We see this as a first step to planting the House of Prayer among the people, so that the House of Prayer can be a permanent establishment of this work -- supporting the people of the land so that they can reach up to their God-ordained Destiny.

Ancient temple on the land

High mountains in North Shan State, Myanmar

Traditional Chief's house in a village in Fiji.