Ring of Fire Houses of Prayer
Ring of Fire
House of Prayer Network

In Korea we helped establish the K-1, or Kingdom First House of Prayer in the Hongdae neighborhood of Seoul. We have recently commissioned a new house of prayer, Gate of the Kingdom, in Yangjae. Stay tuned for many more developments!
In Myanmar we are pursuing a house of prayer plant in the Northern Shan city of Lashio. We will be partnering there with Shan Regional Evangelical Bible Instiutute (SREBI) as well as local churches. We are in the process of building a ministry center and house of prayer among unreached tribal peoples up in the mountains of the Palaung Territory. Help us reach the unreached!
In Thailand we have commissioned a new house of prayer, Restored Glorious Life, and regional Christian college program near Pattaya, a world center of the human trafficking trade. In partnership with Restored Glorious Life Ministries heading up a network of seven other regional houses of prayer, we are gearing up for God's move of power through the nation.
In Cambodia we are preparing to begin regular house of prayer sessions in the new facilities of Preah Vihear Children's Home. Pray that God will send the resources to support the new orphan's home and education center!
In Fiji we are inching toward government approval for the first Ring of Fire Center on Mount Tomanivi. A beautiful eco resort and conference center is planned with educational facilities and a House of Prayer. Please pray as the full vision unfolds!
In India we work with Coimbatore Full Gospel Church and their weekly house of prayer session serving Christian, Hindu and Muslim communities. God is breaking through for India!
In Japan we work with The Altar House of Prayer Tokyo. A vital community of partners and friends has grown up there, including the team at YWAM Tokyo. Japan is being positioned for a national awakening! Remember, you heard it here first!
In the USA we work with The Father's House in Santa Rosa, CA. We also have commissioned Mount Vernon HOP in Washington D.C. Continue to Pray as America faces its ultimate choice: demise or Destiny!
In Canada we work with Kelowna House of Prayer, the successor of The War Room in Kelowna, B.C. Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
Around the World
Please pray as projects in new nations join as partners. We welcome all worshipers, intercessors, priests, pastors, prophets and apostles who want to join us in this, God's grand worldwide movement to establish the Zion of the Nations!