Ring of Fire Houses of Prayer
Healing the Land -- An End-Time Key
June 12, 2012 by J Scott Husted Ph.D.
There is an emphasis that is arising in the Spirit worldwide, an emphasis on indigenous peoples. Everywhere we go God has been highlighting the native peoples — so often disenfranchised and marginalized when it comes to enjoying the fruit and the resources of the land. Yet it is the land of their inheritance.
Christians in so many places around the world have cried out to God, asking Him to bless their nations and bring the land into its destiny of peace, fruitfulness and abundance. In response, God is spotlighting the indigenous peoples and saying, “The key to the land is the People of the Land!”
Lillooet and the First Nations Peoples of Canada
On April 29th 2004 I travelled to Lillooet, B.C. Canada with a team of guest ministers in order to pray for the town and the surrounding area, and to reach out with the love of Christ to some of the Indigenous youth on the reservation at Shallath.
After our arrival in Lillooet we were walking and praying down the main street of town as we explored and picked up some groceries. As I prayed quietly on the sidewalk in the middle of town I felt the presence of spiritual principalities bending down in hostility from the mountain tops all around. My reaction was not fear because I know that the God who lives in us is much more powerful than those that try to rule over us in this world. I merely took note that the enemy of our souls was overplaying his hand. This is a good sign that the Spirit of God has plans to do something mighty, and that has our enemies concerned. Also, in this overreaction there may be clues to the spiritual strongholds that hold temporal sway in the area. I was able, in that moment, to discern spirits of depression, anguish, suspicion and separation, and bondage to darkness that keeps men and women blind to the light and works of the Spirit of God.
So right there we have a preliminary prayer outline, a line-up of topics resident within the community that can be targeted with the light of love. The first order of business is not to charge in with prayer and spiritual warfare, however. The first thing to do when we find ourselves facing the darkness is simply to turn on the light.
Our first order of business is to lift up the rulership of the God of the universe. We must begin by acknowledging His absolute rulership in our lives, walking it out, and by lifting up His power and might over us and over the earth in worship. We must gather to lift His power and might up over the land with whole hearted worship, proclamation and the proclamation of His word. We proclaim that the Earth is The Lord's -- and all that is in it! Let God arise, and His enemies will be scattered!
Therefore, after I felt this spiritual hostility and paused to sense what I could get from The Lord in it, I began to softly lift up His Name. I quietly sang His praise and proclaimed His power and might. Immediately I saw the mountains becoming mountains of The Bride. I saw pure white bridal veils cascading down into the valley around me. I saw the moon smiling down with a terrific light that flooded the valley. I began to speak this out in agreement with the Spirit of God, and in proclamation of this truth He was showing me. Bridal veils and the moon both being symbolic of the Bride of Christ, I believe that a great key to the work of the power of the gospel of Christ going forth in many nations is the Bride of Christ coming together to “arise and shine”, and lift up His rulership and reign. It seems, then, that worship is a primary key. Prayer comes on the heels of worship, and is also a primary key -- a coming together of the Body simply to worship and lift up His name is key to turning on the light.
A few days later we hiked up on a bluff by the airport, and we prayed over the city. As we stood together praying I saw a huge eagle rise up from the city and fly up into the sky. As soon as the eagle disappeared into heaven a huge dove fell down upon the city. The meaning of this is incredible. For the first time I began to understand that if we are able to accept and give place to the indigenous people of the land, even though their culture and ways may look different from ours, they will rise up as worshippers and intercessors – eagle warriors whose power can touch Heaven – and this will bring forth a mighty outpouring of the Spirit of God over the land.
The South Pacific
Since 2004 we have seen on many continents, in many places, that there is a strong, God-ordained connection between the land and the people of the land. We’ve seen it most recently very clearly in Fiji. God is highlighting the people of the land right now, and giving Christians an opportunity to serve the people of the land in ways that will allow them to step up into their destiny; only then will the destiny of the land spring forth.
First – Proclaim the awesome greatness of The LORD over the land and with all its peoples. Lift up His rulership and authority in worship, in proclamation of the word, and in the speaking forth of His praise that the Holy Spirit brings to your lips. Proclaim His Name in worship. Proclaim His Name over the native people in native tongues. Proclaim His greatness in the tongues of the people of the land. Shout out His greatness! Dance out your expression of His rulership over the land! Break the hold of every other power -- Dance as you proclaim His Name, His dominion, and His sovereignty over the people and the land.
Next – Search out the history, the wounds that the people carry, the bloodshed, the injustice done. Then pray through the breaking down of walls. Pray the preparation of the Bride between the peoples. Pray connection and unity among the church, restoration and unity between fathers and children, healing and reconciliation between the first people of the area and the colonial, or subsequent people, and the healing of injustice over the land. I will say it again: there is a strong connection between the land and the people of the land. Serve the indigenous people of the land to step up into their destiny, and the destiny of the land will spring forth.
Prophesy to the Mountains!
While I was in Lillooet, God gave me the scriptural foundation showing that He wants to restore the land, and bring the people of the land into their full inheritance of blessing. Next God began to speak to me in prayer over Lillooet, “Prophesy to the mountains… Prophesy to the mountains”. I turned in response to Ezekiel 36:1 “Son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel and say, ‘O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD”. This is a powerful message all by itself. Of course this is a prophecy for Israel, and God will fulfill His promises to Israel. But this passage also holds a message for us, for the first people of our land, and for our regions. I heard the Spirit of God speaking to the mountains of Lillooet: “Hear the word of the LORD”! I speak to the mountains of Lillooet: “Hear the word of the LORD”! I encourage the people of God all over the world to begin saying to the mountains of their land: “Hear the word of the LORD”! … and start speaking the word of God into the land. The mountains of the land, the high places of the land, the powers and principalities of the land:” Hear the word of the LORD”!
But this scripture passage pertaining to the land goes further: “2 This is what the Sovereign LORD says: ‘The enemy said of you, ‘Aha! The ancient heights have become our possession.’’ The enemy of our souls thinks he has the land conquered and bound. The enemy thinks that he has taken possession of the mountain heights, the reservation lands, the towns and cities -- and all of the people.
But God has a different perspective. God says in verse 11 that “11 I will increase the number of men and animals upon you, and they will be fruitful and become numerous. I will settle people on you as in the past and will make you prosper more than before. Then you will know that I am the LORD . 12 I will cause people, my people Israel, to walk upon you. They will possess you, and you will be their inheritance; you will never again deprive them of their children”. God says that He will cause the mountains of your land to know that He is God! He will do this by causing His people to possess the high places that the enemy has thought were his.
This is good news for the land, for God’s people, even for people who don’t know God, especially for the First people – but this is good news for everyone that lives in the whole area. God is going to turn on the light, take back the high places, and give the land to His people! He is going to prosper your land more than ever before in order to show everyone who He is, and show the heart of love and compassion that He has for all of the people of your land and the surrounding areas.
There is, however, one important reason He is going to do this. The reason God gives is key to the whole work. “21 I had concern for my holy name, which the house of Israel profaned among the nations where they had gone.” God says that the people of God have historically profaned His name among the First people where they have gone.
22 “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: It is not for your sake, O house of Israel, that I am going to do these things, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have profaned among the nations where you have gone.” God says that it is not for the sake of His people that He will do this. There is unfinished business in the land. The colonial people who professed knowledge of God did not live out God’s love for the First people that they found, almost invariably around the world. With acts of injustice toward native people in so many places, on so many continents, they have profaned the Name of the LORD. God goes further, however: “23 I will show the holiness of my great name, which has been profaned among the nations, the name you have profaned among them. Then the nations will know that I am the LORD , declares the Sovereign LORD , when I show myself holy through you before their eyes”. God says that He will change the heart of the church in this day and show His true heart to the First people through us. This will only come about through a coming together of the church in prayer, repentance and ultimately in acts of repentance and restoration between the peoples. But be encouraged, because God says that He will accomplish this great work through you: “…I the LORD have spoken, and I will do it.’
I shared this scripture with our team in Lillooet as we gathered after dinner to pray, and immediately one of my friends saw a picture of a huge angel standing over the town. The angel threw down a huge spear that stuck fast, upright in the valley floor. As it stood there in the midst of the valley the lance turned into a double-edged sword. This picture is an encouraging word to Lillooet, and to nations all over the world that God will establish His word in their land; and it is also a confirmation that the truth of Ezekiel 36 will be driven firmly into the heart of this region, and regions around the globe.
More recently God has revealed more keys from scripture, and more steps of the process. He has given a profound word to me about the Destiny of Nations. I have ministered this word in each nation that I have been invited to. All of these pictures, words and scriptures agree together to confirm a strategy for establishing the Kingdom of God in the land, and for the people of the land, in a greater and more dramatic way than ever before. The strategy is a plan of lifting up the rule and reign of Christ, which will open the door to reconciliation and healing: within the Body of Christ, within families, between non-native and native people, and throughout the land. This will spark a wave of redemption that will result in many saved all across the local communities. If, then, the established community of Christ can serve the tribal peoples to begin to take up God’s destiny for their lives, the destiny of the entire area will begin to come forth. The answer is healing, and I think that the process may well involve healing on a much broader scale than we see today.
-Prayer is key to the whole redemptive progression. Individuals who have a heart for the land must begin to pray for the area.
-The next key is connection. Individuals from any and every group that claims the name of Christ must be called together to pray. The House of Prayer becomes vital to God’s strategy.
-Pray the preparation of the Bride in the land; for the land and the people. Pray connection and unity among the church. Pray healing and unity between fathers and children, mothers and daughters and extended family. Pray healing and reconciliation between the non-native and the First peoples. Pray healing of injustice over the land. The establishment of a house of prayer in a neutral spot, and actively open to all groups will be a necessary next step to make a permanent establishment of this work.
-The next step will be walking out your prayers with lives of reconciliation and restoration. There is no need to make it happen, however, because God has said that He will do it. That’s the great thing: God has said that He will do it. God will fulfill His promises to you, to the land, and to the people of the land if you will pray and let Him take the lid off of your lives, your churches, your communities, and fill them with His light.
This kind of ministry is happening in the world today. I travel to nations extending the invitation to come into Divine Destiny with the message, "The Destiny of Nations". My friend and partner, Semisi Naqica, is the International Director of a unique ministry called “The Healing of the Land”. Together we have worked with tribal groups in Fiji, and Semisi and his wife Gela have taken this ministry to Nunavut Canada, and elsewhere, leading the people of the land through a process of discovery, repentance and restoration. We at Ring of Fire Houses of Prayer have partnered with this pivotal work to help establish God's destiny over nations with ongoing processes, prayer centers and more; these will give this work a permanent home and help to bring it forward into full fruition for the land, the people of the land and all the peoples in an area. We are actively planning to bring the "Healing of the Land" process to hill tribes in Myanmar, to indigenous groups in Thailand, and to the broken Khmer people of Cambodia.
There is an emphasis that is arising in the Spirit worldwide, an emphasis on the people of the land. Everywhere we go God has been highlighting the native peoples — and they are so often marginalized in the land of their own inheritance: in Fiji, among the Inuit of Canada, in South and Central America, in Africa, in Southeast Asia, in the U.S.…
Christians in nations all over the world have cried out to God, asking Him to bless their people and bring their land into its destiny of peace, fruitfulness and abundance. In response, God is spotlighting the indigenous peoples and saying, “The key to the land is the People of the Land!” …and He’s commissioned us to bring an answer through the Healing of the Land -- repentance, restoration and the establishment of the House of His Presence. For further information about our work, refer to:
J. Scott Husted Ph.D.
Founder and Director Through the Veil, Pacific Hope, Pacific Gates Education, Ring of Fire Houses of Prayer